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Using Java script to open new windows with a fixed size

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Q: I have a flash template. I would like to open new windows with just the images in them and certain options like no scrollbars, no toolbars, specific height and width, etc. Please, advise.

A: You can use Java script to do this.

In flash it should be assigned to the button (image, text etc.)

on (release)

In index.html that relates to this flash you should write in the following java script, like this (don't change anything):

<script language="JavaScript">
function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) { newWindow=window.open(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures); }

Put it between <head></head> tags in index.html. Then add the following part to < embed> tag:

swLiveConnect=true NAME=yourmovie.swf

(<embed src="yourmovie.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="xxx" height="xxx" swliveconnect=true name=yourmovie.swf></embed>)

It should work.

How do I link a button to an Adobe PDF document

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Q: How do I link a button to an Adobe PDF document?

A: In Flash MX as well as flash MX 2004 and Flash 8, a hyperlink is created through the getURL() command. The getURL() command provides a means for the browser to jump from one page to the other. The getURL() command can also be used to open an executable application like a PDF document. Click "Window" and choose “Actions” or press "F9" on your keyboard to access the Actions panel. You should type the following action script provided below into the white space to open up an executable PDF file:

on (release)

Now test your movie by pressing "CTRL+ENTER".

How can I add a flash page to Favorites

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Q: How can I add a flash page to Favorites?

A: You should use the following Java script to bookmark the page:

on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:window.external.addFavorite('http://www.website.com','Website

You can apply this script to any button (text, image). It should work.

How to change the speed in flash

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This section deals with editing the Flash part of the templates and exporting the ".fla" to " .swf" files. Many useful editing tips are included. Please use the navigation buttons below or main navigation menu to browse the topics.

Q: How can I speed the frame rate or slow it down when the movie is playing? For example, I would like to slow the frame rate from the default of 20 fps to 15 fps from frame #80 to frame #150. Then frame rate should speed back up to 20 fps after frame #151, (fps = frames per second).

A: One way is to use "interval". An example of changing the speed of the movie from frame #80 to frame #150 is shown below.
Create a key frame at frame #80 and place this script:

var fps:Number = 80;
var intervalID:Number = setInterval(this, "advanceFrame", 1000/fps);
function advanceFrame() {
if (_currentframe<151) {
intervalID = setInterval(this, "advanceFrame", 1000/fps);
} else {


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Can you take a simple list and use CSS to create radically different list options? The Listamatic shows the power of CSS when applied to a simple list.

Well, you asked for them. Nested lists! Choose from one of the growing number of samples or submit a list of your own.

Step by step tutorials on using CSS to create background image lists, rollover lists, nested lists and horizontal lists.

Step by step tutorials on using CSS to create floating images, images with captions, next and back buttons, drop caps, inline lists and more.

The structure of rules, the document tree, types of selectors and their uses. Plus a step by step tutorial using selectors to build a 3-column layout.
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